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Abyssal Lord Of The Magi World-Novel

Chapter 365 - Evil City
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Two powerful demons were in the sky near a massive city located in the Blood Rift. They released immense physical pressure, and their soul force put both at the Demon Count level.

The strongest of the duo was a humanoid shark ten meters tall. The Demon Count had a sharp fin, red eyes, black skin, and tattoos were covering his body.

The Demon Count by the humanoid shark's side looked like a demonic werewolf with huge bone spikes coming out of his body. There was a thick blood aura enveloping him, probably the result of a technique.

The two Demon Counts' eyes narrowed as they felt that the density of Abyss Aura and other energies was almost twenty times greater inside the city than in the rest of the Blood Rift.

"So this is the city of the new Demon Lord who calls himself Evil. The rumors that I heard about him being able to draw the plane's energies without a spell or formations were true." The one who spoke was the demonic werewolf, and his eyes shone with greed.

"Nizer, this Evil guy is too cocky!. You had sent a message telling him that we will come today to discuss the contract he had signed with Duke Luzerne. We are two Great Messengers, and yet he is not waiting for us. If we don't teach him a lesson, people may think that they can push us around."

The humanoid shark stared at his comrade and could see the hidden intention behind his words. Despite being a demon, Nizer was able to control his chaotic instincts and had a cunning mind. That was one of the reasons he got his job as a Great Messanger for a Demon Duke.

He did not think that this man beside him was fit for the job, but it was not his place to question his master's decisions.

"Kuru, you should be very careful with your words once we meet him. Our mission is to relay the message from Duke Luzerne and make him sign the new contract." Nizer's tone was stern but seeing that his comrade seemed not to care about his words, he continued speaking.

"Evil is different from the other Demon Lords we have met before. Not long after his victory over Yuro, three Demon Counts sought to take advantage of his weakened state. They chase him for several weeks all over the Blood Rift, but in the end, Evil was the one who returned alive, and no one heard of the three Demon Counts again. He used the attack of the trio as an excuse to invade their territories. Less than a month after that, he attacked the Demon Counts' settlements near his new domains. He made his first appearance less than two years ago, but he already has thirteen confirmed Demon Lord's kills under his belt."

Kuru's eyes widened when he heard that. Even for a chaotic place like Abyss, where slaughter occurred daily, someone killing that many Demon Lords in such a small amount of time was hard to believe.

"Even for a Demon Lord, that level of bloodshed is too much. Why did the other Demon Dukes allow him to slaughter their people without repercussions?"

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No matter how chaotic Abyss was, a form of hierarchy was in place. Every Demon Count was a powerful pawn for a Demon Duke, and their loss was significant. Kuru knew all that and could not understand why Evil was still alive.

"That is why I said he is unlike other Demon Lords. Evil's incursions are not motivated by wealth. He sends sixty percent of the resources obtained in the captured territories to Duke Luzerne and another thirty as a bribe for the other Demon Dukes." Nizer solved his comrade's confusion, but another question came to Kuru's mind the next second.

"If he is not after wealth, then why risk his life?"

Every battle between Rank 5 life forms was dangerous. Even if you won, nothing said someone could not attack you while you were busy healing. Even the chaotic demons understood that.

"That reason is simple, and he made no effort in hiding it. It is all about bodies. Every city or settlement attacked by Evil has its population exterminated, from the weakest lesser devils to the Demon Lord. He harvests everything and not even a drop of blood remains from them after he leaves."

Kuru's heart grew cold when he heard that, and the greed that filled his eyes was vanishing as fear took place.

"Still, Nezer, you are at the 3rd Engraving Stage and soon will reach the 4th, so he should show you respect."

Nezer's face grew solemn after hearing those words and stared at the demonic werewolf.

"A month ago was Evil's last incursion. There he faced The Great Illusionist Surik. That Demon Count was at the 3rd Engraving Stage as well, and his soul invasion spells were formidable."

Although he could imagine how the story continued, Kuru still asked.

"What happened?"

"Evil split Surik's body in two and bathed the city with his blood."

The fear in Kuru's heart grew larger. All the arrogance he had when he reached this place disappeared.

As the duo spoke, a Rank 4 Fiendish Cyclop approached their location and bowed once he was in front of them.

"I humbly greet the two Demon Counts. My name is Pilo, and I am the second in command of Evil City." Pilo noticed the duo's odd expression after hearing the city's name.

The truth was that he also found it very weird, but that was the name Evil gave him when he asked, and the Rank 4 Demon did not dare to question it.

"Lord Evil is training right now in the castle. Follow me, please."

The two Demon Counts followed the Fiendish Cyclop into the city. They noticed how every single demon was training and doing its best to improve its power, but they also saw a sense of urgency in them, as if time was running out.

Neither Nizer nor Kuru asked about the situation with the demons. It wasn't their job to judge how other Demon Counts controlled their people, and they honestly didn't care.

They reached the castle in the center of the city very fast. The duo entered under Pilo's guide.

Nizer's eyes narrowed as he saw that there was absolutely nobody in the castle.

Although they did not truly fulfill a purpose, it was customary for a Demon Count to have guards and maids stationed inside their castle. They did that to display their wealth and status.

'He has a cunning mind, and his tactics are similar to that of Devil Lords when it comes to handling the Demon Dukes. However, he does not care about the image others have of him. This person is dangerous.' Nizer thought as he approached the throne room.

They finally reached their destination after a few minutes. The gates were open, so Nizer and Kuru could see inside the massive throne room.

Just like the rest of the castle, the room had no decorations at all. Other than a small throne, the only thing they saw was a man with white skin performing battle movements. They were simple punches and kicks, and he appeared to be doing them in a loop.

Evil's movements resembled the training of a martial artist of the mortal world.

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The Demon Counts could not understand his actions. Those types of techniques had no actual use for life forms of their level. What surprised them the most was that Evil's breathing was uneven, and he was sweating.

Pilo stood at the entrance of the room and did not go further.

"No Rank 4 life forms can enter the throne room. Please be careful since this place is Lord Evil's training area." The Rank 4 Demon bowed to the duo again before taking a step back.

Nizer's eyes narrowed as he heard Pilo's words and seemed to detect a hidden message in them. On the other hand, Kuru did not care about the Rank 4 Demon and entered the room the next moment.

The instant the demonic werewolf put a foot in the throne room, shock appeared all over his face, and he crashed into the ground.

Nizer was surprised by his comrade's condition, and he focused on Evil to see if he was the culprit. However, all this time, the white demon had not even bothered to look in their direction.

He entered the room to help Kuru and immediately understood the reason for his condition.

'The gravity in this place is exceptionally high!.' Nizer felt like he was carrying thousands of mountains over his shoulders, but things did not end there.

The gravity also affected the Demon Count's blood, increasing its weight to a ridiculous level. His heart was having a hard time beating with enough strength to mobilize it.

'The reason why Rank 4 Demons cannot enter the throne room is not that Evil forbids it, but their bodies would succumb under this pressure.'

His condition was not as deplorable as Kuru. He could move his body after improving his strength with his energy pool.

Astonishment appeared in Nizer's face when he focused on Evil and saw how he performed those swift and coordinated martial movements under this gravity solely depending on his physical might and nothing else.

The demonic werewolf was able to stand up after using the full might of his energy pool.

The Demon Counts looked at each other and saw the seriousness in their faces. If they anger this monster, they could die.