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Abyssal Lord Of The Magi World-Novel

Chapter 303 - Invinctus (V)
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Sirius knew that despite being out of the Daybreak Magic Tower, he was far from being safe.

A magic tower capable of displaying Rank 5 battle power had an attack range of several hundreds of kilometers, not to mention that its reaction speed and destructive power would reach the level a Rank 4 life form could not match.

The Magi group soon noticed the towering giant in front of them.

Ezequiel had returned to his true form, of four hundred and fifty meters high, with arcs of red lightning wider than millennial trees moving around his body. The Neo-Demon appeared to be a divine being as he stood in the air and coldly stared at the Magi group.

In terms of physical might, no other Rank 3 life form in the universe could compare to the Supreme Neo-Demon, not the Void Creatures nor Dawn Titans.

"Prepare your defenses, Magus."

Sirius and the rest were pushed back, leaving Kolo alone.

Kolo was truly surprised by the might of Ezequiel's body since it could compare with the body strength of a weak Rank 4 life form, and it was clear he wasn't using any spell or technique to increase his power.

Of course, that did not mean Ezequiel had the strength of a Soul Forging existence since they possess an immense energy pool and energy output, and they can multiply their strength thanks to their Law Avatars.

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'He may be invincible in Rank 3, but I am a Rank 4 life form!. I only need to resist one of his attacks, and then everything will be over.' Kolo was still afraid, but after calculating Ezequiel's strength, he was sure resisting an attack from him would not be difficult.

"Law Avatar: Release!"

The moment he spoke those words, a wave of energy originated from inside Kolo's heart. The next moment he transformed into a two thousand meters tall Sand Dragon.

He did not have wings, the scales that covered his body were sand-colored, and an earth armor was formed in the areas where his vital organs resided. The most distinctive feature of this creature was his large and long mouth from where green sand drooled.

When Ezequiel saw the body of the dragon that was more than four times bigger than his, instead of being impressed, his eyes were filled with scorn.

An adult Sand Dragon would normally have a length of four thousand meters, and some of them could even reach seven thousand meters. The fact that Kolo could only become a two thousand meters Sand Dragon proved how flawed was his advance to Rank 4 and the lack of purity in his bloodline.

"Taking the easy path and giving away your future, just for an increase in lifespan and some fame, truly a coward's path."

Rage appeared in the eyes of the Sand Dragon when he saw the disdain in Ezequiel.


Along with that roar, a torrent of green sand came out from the Sand Dragon's mouth, and it surrounded the creature's body. The next moment, the dragon began to roll around himself and finally took the form of a ball, with the head hidden in the center.

'My breath attack can kill any Rank 3 life form that enters in contact with it, and my dragon body has toughness equal to a Pseudo-Rank 4 artifact. He can't harm me!.' Although he said those words to himself, Kolo still could not get rid of the fear that invaded his heart.

The appearance of Ezequiel and the Sand Dragon drew the attention of everyone in the City of the Sun. Fear and anxiety could be seen in the eyes of some of the people as they did not understand what was happening and thought that calamity had finally reached the Daybreak Clan.

Ezequiel noticed the feeling that invaded the heart of his people and focused on the enemy in front of him.

"All of you must remember this. If you want the right to be happy and care for someone, then you must always strive to become more and more powerful. If for a single moment you think that the rules and laws can protect you, then you are far too naive!."

Those words reached every corner of the City of the Sun, and everyone could feel the resolution in them.

The Supreme Neo-Demon's eyes shone, and a red flame appeared on his chest as Blood Essence Combustion was activated. His strength grew greatly, but he had not finished yet.

"Burn: Life Vessel


His Elemental Chaos Heart and Bloodline Heart pounded faster and faster until finally reaching a beating rate of 8000 beats per minute. The power with which his hearts pulsated was so great that sounds equal to thunder could be heard above the City of the Sun.

Every man, woman, and child focused on Ezequiel, and they felt their own hearts beating faster as they saw one of the two men that carry the weight of the Daybreak Clan on their shoulders displaying such might.

"We live in a cruel and merciless universe, and the only way to survive in it is to be equally ruthless!. No matter who gets in our way, whether they are gods, buddhas, demons, devils, or angels, we will butcher them all, and with their blood, we will carve our path to eternity. If any of you think you are not capable of doing that, then how can you consider yourself worthy of being one of us!?."

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Ezequiel's words were packed with savageness and cruelty. However, there was something else, something all those who had come from Wasteland had experienced, but that decades of peace and comfort had made them forget. That feeling was hunger.

Hunger for power!.

They still trained and focused on growing stronger, but they did not behave like they did when they still strived to survive in Wasteland, where they passed every single moment wanting more strength, where the only desire that guided their actions was to become stronger!.

The Supreme Neo-Demon still had his sight on the Sand Dragon, but he could feel the resolution that appeared in the eyes of the people beneath him.

"Primordial Condensation."

Ezequiel's body shrank, and in less than a second, he went from four hundred and fifty meters to only fifteen meters.

Contrary to his size, his strength only increased, and the natural energy and Origin Power of the world began to converge in him. Thanks to his body now fusing with part of his energy and consciousness, he was able to harmonize with the world and everything that surrounded him.

The Supreme Neo-Demon reached his most powerful state, but that wasn't good enough.

"Tribulations and calamities will follow us in every part of our journey. Sometimes it only takes one wrong turn for everything to be over, and even the most glorious destiny can end in an instant."

Every member of the Daybreak Clan focused on the words of the Supreme Neo-Demon, and even the Soul Forging existences like Totto and Nero that were currently in the City of the Sun were not different.

Ezequiel took a deep breath and closed his eyes before pushing Primordial Condensation beyond its limits, and slowly the body of the Neo-Demon began to condensate once again.

The connection formed by energy, body, and consciousness began to improve with every centimeter he was able to shorten.

This process was not easy for the Neo-Demon since he was forcefully enhancing the fusion of his centers of power, and every second he felt as if his consciousness was being hammered over and over again. The pain he was feeling did not fall short of the one that tearing a piece of his soul would provoke, but Ezequiel kept pushing forward.

"The only way to predict the future is to be powerful enough to forge it according to your will. To be so strong that space and time can only bow to you. That is the level all of us must reach, in order to be truly free!"