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A Lifetime With You

Chapter 135
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Chapter 135
In A city’s women’s prison. The metal door of the interrogation room was slowly opened. Dust was flying all over the air under the
dim yellow lights. This was a place of no daylight. There wasn’t a single ray of light shining upon it, even during the day. Under
the guidance of the staff, Damien walked towards the end of the corridor. In the tiny and narrow cell at the very corner, there was
a woman covered in dirt and ash. If it weren’t for the prison guard, he would not have recognized this woman in front of him as
Selina. In just four years, the once dignified lady of the Newton family had become a crazy woman. “Mr. Radbury, I’m really sorry
to trouble you. But this lunatic said that she would commit suicide for the second time if she couldn’t see you. We can’t do
anything about it,” the prison guard said. Damien nodded and said, “I have something to say to her. Just wait for me out here.”
Upon hearing Damien’s voice, the woman in the cell finally raised her head.
A few days ago, she had attempted to commit suicide after hearing the news of her father’s death. Unfortunately for her, she was
saved and brought back to life. The distinct red mark on her forehead after she hit herself on the wall was still very apparent.
“Damien Radbury, you’re finally here!” Selina grinned hideously and gritted her teeth. She immediately threw herself at the door.
If it weren’t for the iron bars, she would have jumped on Damien and tore him apart. Along with her injured forehead and her wild
actions, it made her look even more sinister and terrifying
“I’m going to kill you! Bastard! You’re the one who killed my father! It’s you!” Selina was baring her teeth and brandishing her
fingers. She wished she could kill him with her sharp and penetrating gaze. Four years ago, the lawyer hired by the Newton
Family had failed to exclude her from probation with the use of mental disorder as an excuse. However, her medical admission
notes from the psychiatric hospital clearly wrote that she had indeed suffered from Schizophrenia. No matter what, Damien could
see that this woman was very clear-headed. It seemed that the days in the prison were too comfortable for her. She was still full

of energy when she shouted earlier. Damien said coldly, “Selina, your father died because of his old age. No one else can be
blamed for it. You deserve the punishment here. You can hate me as you like, but God will never hear your curse.” “Damian
Radbury, do you believe in karma?” “The wicked in this world will naturally be punished. If God won’t punish you for it, I will do so
in his place!”
“Revenge? Hahahaha... I think you’re the one who should be punished! Even if I am trapped here for my whole life, so what? I
killed the woman you loved the most! She is dead! Even if you are out there, is there any difference compared to me who’s stuck
in the prison?” Selina raised her head and gave off a wicked laugh. Damien also laughed. She was right. Even if he had
everything else, it was just the same as being in prison without Ava next to him.
However, God still had mercy upon him.
“It’s a pity that your wish is in vain. Ava is not dead.”
“What did you just say?” Clenching tightly onto the iron railings, Selina widened her eyes in surprise. “She’s not dead.” Afraid that
she didn’t hear it clearly, he muttered it out word by word clearly. “Impossible! She’s dead! I killed her with my own hands! Her

spirit weeps at me every day! She’s dead! She’s long dead!” Selina grabbed her hair madly in a state of dejection. Clearly, her
psychotic symptoms kicked off again.
The prison received Damien’s sponsorship and assigned her to a single and isolated cell. No one was allowed to communicate
with her, and she wasn’t allowed to go out. She had been locked up for four years. It wasn’t until the day that she finally had a
glimpse of the daylight. It was when she committed suicide and was sent to the emergency room.
Even a mentally stable person would go insane after being stuck in a place like this. Seeing that she was about to scream and
shout again, the prison guard quickly threatened her with an electric baton. Damien knew she wouldn’t really be dead just like
that, so he turned around and left. A person like him would seek revenge for the smallest grievance, and he obviously wanted
her to live longer and suffer for the rest of her life. Seeing that Damien was about to leave, Selina immediately cried out again,

“Damien Radbury! Don’t think that you can live arrogantly for any longer! Do you think I really have lost? Do you think you can
win forever? There are many people outside who are against you! You will be completely defeated one day!” Upon hearing her
words, Damien snorted as he continued his pace. Meanwhile, Selina’s voice became increasingly shrill, “Do you really think that
Ava Nagel truly loves you? One day, you will be killed by the people around you! When the time comes, I will win! I will win!
Hahahaha...” He stopped in his tracks and immediately turned around coldly, “What did you say?” “You think I’m doing all these
alone? Of course, someone helped me! He hates you more than I do. One day, he will definitely kill you!” “Who is the person
you’re talking about?” Selina laughed wildly, and her eyes gradually grew out of focus.
This lunatic was talking nonsense again.
And she kept muttering some name. It turned out that it was actually Enrico. “It’s him! It’s Enrico! He told me that he wanted to
cooperate with me... After everything is done, I can marry you! I want to marry you! I really... like you very much...” Standing
across the iron bars, Damien sneered. “So, you’ve worked with Enrico? What did he promise you?”
“He said that if I marry you, you will divorce Ava and then he can be with her... That fool, he actually likes his sister-in-law!
Hahahaha... He’s stupid, ain’t he? I will not let him get what he wants! I want Ava Nagel to die! I want her to die!” Selina
continued to laugh crazily. Although her words were incoherent, Damien understood what she meant. Enrico Radbury, that
b*stard had been eyeing on Ava for a long time... Damien cursed while he ignored Selina who had gone into madness. Then, he
went out of the cell. Afterward, he went back to his parent’s house. And he punched Enrico forcefully in front of them. The punch
was so sudden, and Enrico didn’t see it coming. Soon, blood trickled down his nose. Enrico wiped it off and sneered, “Damien,
what are you doing?” As they were in front of their parents, Damien didn’t say anything else. Instead, he gave Enrico another
vicious kick. This b*stard had actually cooperated with Selina. Unfortunately, Selina was a completely crazy and wicked woman.
She only wanted Ava to die, and she almost succeeded. Damien grabbed his collar and was about to beat him hard. Suddenly,
Karen cried out and threw herself at Enrico to protect him. “Damien, what are you doing? He’s your brother! Are you trying to kill
him?” Karen burst into tears, and Damien had no choice but to let go of him. “I’m warning you, don’t you dare try to do anything
to her! Otherwise, you’ll end up like Selina!” Damien warned Enrico in a cold voice.

Meanwhile, Enrico struggled up on his feet and suddenly burst into laughter, “Damien, why are you so angry and so desperate to
threaten me? Will you be at ease if I’m dead?” Enrico smiled, “Perhaps I shouldn’t have survived twenty years ago in the dark
and hopeless place?”